What is Dao? daoism? daoist? 何為道,何為道法,何为道士?不清不楚何以明辨天下?

learn Chinese only Ancient Chinese that have message passed down from ancestors

learn Chinese only Ancient Chinese that have message passed down from ancestors

ancient Chinese for 神(shen)

ancient Chinese for 神(shen)

Later Chinese for 神(shen)

Later Chinese for 神(shen)

What is Dao? This question that people ask me most of the time.  People can find a lot of answers on the internet or books. Although people conclude that it is still so hard to understand Dao, and other knowledge remains unknown. Detail is everything. The result of practice makes proof. Without fully understand, it hardly to say that anyone knows the truth of the Dao.  Daoism requires people should be honest with themselves and explicit about every detail all the time. People think lying to themselves is the only way to get mind illness go away turns out it will only get worse. Escape from the truth will only blind people's mind and get the mental issue worse. It is just as the Chinese old saying goes: "饮鸩止渴" which means drinking the poison water to prevent dehydrated death. It is also called "南辕北辙" which means matching towards the south with wrong direction face north. People nowadays stick themselves in this situation frequently. Here I am going to talk about the real meaning of Dao in very simple way. You can do all the research that you want to figure it out. Then you will see my answer is the only one that explains.


今天在這裡來說一說,本門傳承的關於道,道學,道仕的本意。這裡只談本真的看法和本門的傳承,社會上的信息,諸君自斟酌。玉清祖師曰:即太上老君曰:道乃先天地萬物而生,其孕育萬物而長養萬物。通俗的理解就是宇宙的基本法則。或者說是自然的基本法則。道並非生萬物,萬物早已存在,道乃是將萬物組合成現在展現的實際的法則。無規矩不成方圓,就是這個意思。道不是創造者,也不是造物主。是一切的意識和有機形態的根源。 物質與能量是永生不滅的實質存在,什麼唯物唯心主義,還爭論那麼多年,其實沒有意義,片面的看問題是沒有結果的,陰陽不可以分,分了就不存在了。所以物質是基礎存在,意識是紐帶法則,兩者產生宇宙世間萬物現在的狀態,這就是根本。 因為沒有辦法給它描述的充分具體,用一個道來命名。道的古體字就是上圖綠色的右邊那個,表示的很清楚了。日月在其中,萬物圍繞運行規律,就是自然基本法。別無它意。 不要誤會古書都是真的,古代也有偽作,但凡秦始皇文字獄之後開始,寫偽作的腐儒非常多,都是為了政治而毒害百姓的,文化毒害自秦始皇開始。道可道,非常道,解釋成可以說的道並不是真的道,這樣註解的道德經,看完了,你也是暈頭轉向不知芸芸,不如不看。

本真的門派是黃老道派,傳承久遠,一直秘而不宣,因為求長生,到處招搖也沒意思,彭祖仙師就是很好的故事。這些不提也罷。需要說的是,道學的歷史非常長,秦始皇之後就開始銷聲匿跡,隱世修真了。 後來社會上所出名的道人都是醉心于導醫的研究,治病救人為重了,所以,你能發現的都是中醫,其實他們準確的說是導醫,而張道陵,天師教就是從醫病救人而來。很多人以為天師是唐朝之後的產物,其實,讀讀古文黃帝內經,你就明白了, 那個時候岐伯就是官職天師,因為很多黃帝內經都有寫岐天師曰。所以天師這個稱謂早於黃帝時期,所以道教並非你現在所理解的由張道陵所創,或者老子所創教,都是偽作。 張道陵所創的是五斗米教,後來收編了各地的小門派,統稱為正一盟威道。江湖上說的武林盟主。老子一生並未創教,到是西出嘉峪關之後跑到中東傳了個猶太教和佛教出來。 中國正統的道教歷史創教已不可考證,只能等待考古發現。 不過已知可靠的是,黃帝時代,天師以及是官職,而且級別很高,黃帝但凡大小事都要詢問岐伯。 目前可以追溯的最早的就是岐天師了。再往上就因為歷朝的焚書文化清洗運動導致面目全非了, 黃帝內經如果不是因為它是醫書,估計也傳不下來。 這些是你們都可以互聯網查到的,查不到的我就不給你們說了。說了你門也也未必明白。就點撥一下,讓你驚醒,自己的知識認識來源多麼不可靠。 人不可以南轅北轍更不可以飲鴆止渴。正本清源,本真做起來不容易。希望年輕人都能醒過來,好好認識自己,修身齊家治國平天下,傳承中國文化,不要讓祖宗的好東西,滅亡于自己的手上。如果是天意,本真也只能盡人事聽天命。

Look at the picture above( green picture ), what do you see here?  There are few ways to look at it. First, the right character. Does not it look like the Galaxy that everything around the sun and the moon? Or you may say that the symbolic tells that spirits from five sides observing(flying to) the sun (日)and moon(月) in the middle and or it also can be read as that five elements and circling the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon are the basic power source of the law of nature.  The real meaning of Dao comes from it. Dao is the five elements of motion law generated by the sun and the moon. Dao is the nature law. Dao is experiential result that Beings or "people" collected from observing the universe. Nature law is based on motion created by sun and moon movement. You can get this information by learning cosmology in a scientific way. I learned it from ancient knowledge pictures. In ancient time people recording things from a birds eye perspective. Imagine that our ancestors can fly or their mind can travel around the earth, this will explain a lot. Ancient words or marks you have to see it as from the point of sky view. Don't they have a plane? Or spaceship. I think so because they knew all the landscape and had made a map. I am sure there is more than we believe that we are aware. There is a book in Chinese called Shan hai jing (山海經) it is an ancient book. It survived because it is just a map, so it kept well until now. Emperors will destroy a lot of influential books to maintain the power to themselves, but will always keep the map.  I learned lots from Daoism ancient method. And I become more clear about everything.
As we know, understand Dao as the true identity of it. It will be very easy to comprehend the meaning of Daoism and Daoist. Daoism is the lineage formed by Daoist. Daoist is the human knowledgeable people that help ancestors to pass down the ancient knowledge; like a messenger. It goes by many names in the past. The name Daoism did not exist until very late of Han dynasty. The modern concept of Daoism comes from this. Because I or Lao Tzu never really know how to call it. So we just use the word Dao to represent this Knowledge linage. Daoist (道仕) ancient Chinese this word is a governor title specialized in Dao knowledge. 仕(shi) is very next rank of the governor that serves the Emperor. All of this exist before Qin dynasty. In the conflict of power shifting and human betray Gods and ancestors, Daoist remains in the hidden for a long time, only very few part of it left for a small group of practice people to still passing. They made famous by only the medical part of it or the magic power of it. Healing people is very easy to build reputation during the years of what I believe it was the punishment of Gods or the wars. This is a very long historical story, and this will shocking you, although you don't have to believe anything that I said, it 'd be good to hear a story from ancient time. Here I will try to be brief.

Now let us move on with the left character, what is that look like? Isn't it look like a being (人) on the left side getting out of something on the right( a Rocket or spacecraft ). Here is a video that helps you to understand what I am trying to tell here:  VEDIO   This video to me is very authentic and genuine. There are many Ufo video on the internet, and only a few of them are real, and it matches what I have known for ancient knowledge. I only speak about what I know; the unknown part is for you to decide what to believe.
With the knowledge that I know, many things become understandable. However, you may just take them as amythic story. This is a huge story I will just give some hint here.
Yes, you are right. I am saying that Aliens are real and in very ancient time they are generated from the earth. They are our ancestors. Human race evolution is very much because of their knowledge and what they have done and passed down to us. However, They have been evolved in very early stage of the earth when the earth is cold and full of water. Our ancestor does not talk or have words. They are super intelligent, and they connect each other by brain wave and communicate with it. with very limited life, so make life longer is the main purpose for them to achieve. The civilization is highly evolved, all are one, one is all. So they went the high level of work with nature and mastered the planet very fast, our earth has limited time to reshape or rebirth itself. So when they go along, they invented spacecraft use metal and sound wave technology. This civilization is base on electronic and magnet energy ( this is also called spiritual energy )along with water.  Very late of their time, they become divided into two group of people. One part of them is in pursuit of formless spiritual beings for existence ( Sun Yang ). The another part of them went on genetic modification (medical cure) for physical existence (moon Yin). The most alien that you will actual see now, it is from this moon part, and they are still on earth in deep waters. The moon is built by them to associate with the ocean, it made by iron and metals, transmit the sun energy into the deep water with magnet energy. It has magnet field that likes the hard drive store electronic data. In Chinese character, the part of gods that highly spirited formed in sun energy is Called "神" means the mind that exist in the shape of electric waves or magnet waves powered by the sun, the signal. So they are formless, and you will only receive them in very deep meditation or trans. Also require them wants to reveal themselves to you. Gods are not only one exist. However, people will confuse all of them as the same as Gods. They are different. For those who practice in physical form long live technology. And they went on a different path is called "仙" ( this is the part went into the water and made the moon) and this is the left word of the picture above because they are in physical form, so they have massively advanced in technology, they have the spaceship. The character is showing that people get out of the spaceship. In very old Chinese sentence that is a phrase called 天衣无缝,means the people from sky wear those clothes without any leaks or gaps, and now we know only two type of clothes that necessary to be no leaks and gaps. one is a space suit, and one is a diving suit. Most of Daoism books are writing about them among with others. So this is why in Chinese Daoism you will find so many Gods and wondering why so many? they are many. Archeology proof shows that there are many Gods with different power. And they had war among them. Earth have been destroying few times, and yet it recovered.  So Daoism long living method and knowledge are on the part of those physical form long exist ancestors. That's how we call it in very long time 仙道(xian dao) this is the words in the picture. 仙道贵生,無量度人 is the main purpose of Daoism. this Chinese word means that 仙 (xian) part of Gods value lives more than anything and they want to keep every living being a long life.And the other path is called 神道(shen dao) here is how 神(shen) looks the picture second above.. I think now you get a pretty brief idea about what I am saying. Shen Dao is pure spiritual energy that comes in and out the sun. This is also the meaning of 無極生太極,太極生兩儀,兩儀化四象,四象生八卦。Anybody ever wondering why English word for human race is called " human being" and beings? In every language is the same way to describe human race like this, Chinese is call 人类, means similar to a human, or servant feed by rice. English words mean once being human. And what is human? As I know, the human is a huge man race. Like European history Titan, which is powered by the sun. (the moon does not exist at that time), we are growing like trees, massive huge and big. This is the original version of the human race that live on earth at the same time God race exists in water, God race is super intelligent, Human race is super strengthed.  although they are on the same planet, the evolving progress is very different. after quite a long time. There are wars between those two, and the human race has been wiped out from earth because of the block of the sun. the whole planet went into the ice age. Gods remain in the deep water. the goddess (so many of you will know this in the myth story called 女蜗 or Mazu.) who pity human race's vanishing, and used genetic medical technology to reproduced human race with Goddess's genetic tissue, as they called human beings. This is what modern human race are from. That's the reason we are in small size now with strength and intelligence combined; we have language created only in use of us to fix the lack of ability to communicate with the brain.  That's the reason many people have very different experience of life and have to find the right path for it; you can be physical you can be spiritual but not with both. Those are the default of genetic modification. And all of our minds comes from the sun and the moon and goes back to them after death. If you upgrade your spirit in a lifetime, you will go to the sun. One of the default is that you won't need to carry the memory with you, so you won't be so painful to memorize so many things that happen to you. If you go to the sun, you will know everything. The moon is considered like hell for the spirit; the sun is the heaven for the spirit.
I might just talk too much about irrelevant things.
Anyway, just a hint for people to know more about human history. This helps understand Dao and where it comes from. And the purpose of it.
Knowing about history is the foundation that will make us know what to do and how to do.
Daoism has this purpose for a long time and trying to help all the people fulfill their life purpose and upgrade spirit to a high level to empower the universe.
I am sure that Our ancestors are still out there caring about us and prevent Human race from blindness suicide. And Every human being should do good to the earth and nature to make it better, or we will vanish too. Technology is just sufficient condition for the human being. The culture of good will and knowledge of nature are necessary conditions.

history is remain silenced until we reveal it. 温故而知新,to know about past is the way toward future.