

Daoism (also known as Taoism in western way) is the oldest practical philosophy in the world. Anyone thinking it is merely an old Chinese religion, would be grossly mistaken.  For those who have explored Taoism, it is the secret to discovering a life of pleasure and longevity. Essentially, the key lies in discovering the nature of your truest self and of nature, and establishing a balanced relationship between the two that will lead to a long life of pleasure.  Ancient Taoism contains many methods of improving human life, such as healthy living practices, medicinal herb recipes, meditation, Kung-fu, Feng-Shui, I-Ching, Tao Te Ching, and Ba Gua, to name but a few, there are much more than this..

Master Mencius ( Meng Shi-fu ) is grateful that he has been on this path since birth, He was born in Long-hu-shan mountain and have stayed in the Daoism Temple for education and become Daoist Historian, during the time of childhood, he opened his third eye and throughout the knowledges that he have been able to mastered with, he have been granted as a Grand Master of huang-Lao lineage of Ancient Daoism , he continues to be dedicated to helping people understand their lives, to embrace life to the full, and live happier lives.