Feng Shui ? Kan Yu ? Are you sure you know what are you talking about?

look at that picture, Yes, everybody knows that good environment is very critical foundation that a House need. and this is nature good environment that people really need for long-living life.

What is Kan Yu and What is Feng Shui?

Now, If you are reading this , you possibly thinking you know feng shui or at least you had some experience about it if you have a CHinese friend or in the business of real estate. Otherwise, you are very hard likely to know anything about it. Maybe you dont even know the name of it. But it is ok. I mean if you know nothing is even better. Because what you know is wrong and dont know make your better.

ok. lets dive in. what I am about to tell here is going to blast your mind. and fresh it with the real deal.

Feng Shui by it name : authentic and technical way speaking, it is a knowledge and method system that invented for the dead. specific for the tombs. you know how ancient people think about tombs and how serious they are when it comes down to build one. right ? think about ancient China, ancient egypt, Most likely they are all in the east. west side of the world does not apply this route. that’s why Feng shui would not been introducted to the west until recent 100 years maybe?

I am a true feng shui master from authentic daoism linage, so what I am good at by that ? that means I am good at locate places, analysis the energy, analysis the soil, design how to build. design how to hide. design what works the best for the tomb owners favor, especially for his family tree after he passed away. however you have to be burred in the tomb. and prevent being ashed. Now, Why use Feng shui as the name of this activity ? Have you ever thought about it ? Name is something you describe a thing and make others know it by a glance. that’s exactly what feng shui is. Feng means wind/ air flow, shui means water/liquid. So what’s the connection of this two words with tomb ? Well, if you are archiologist you will know a hint by now , if you are not you maybe watched some video about tombs. let me help you understand here, it does not need to be a expert to understand , but it does take experience and expertise to be able to make it happen . If you are going to build a great tomb that works, Feng and Shui which is Air flow and environment stablablity is two core element that going to take your work down. so for a tomb to be properly build , eliminate the air-flow and soiled environment is the key. We daoist feng shui master have a saying that air moves when wind blows, air stops when water arrives. So long story for short. for building a tomb, you will have to eliminate the air in the tomb and flood it with water. this is the something archiologist wont even know , they often know that almost all the tombs have water or flooded sometime during the age. but they wont know why. We have kept this secret for entire time. so that is why this method called Feng shui Method.

So mind blowed right? stop calling improve your home energy Feng shui from now on . it actually really going to help you achieve that.

Now if Feng shui was the wrong name for the thing people are trying to achieve nowdays what is the real name for it ?

It is called Kan Yu Chinese write like this 堪 舆, 堪 means alnalysis the soil and digging down make the fundation 舆 means Conect the energy from the environment with a fundation. so this is what you are looking for to improve your luck of your life if you need them. KanYu job is way easier than the feng shui job. also makes kanyu job less mysterious. why fengshui is popular ? that have something to do with the tomb ride activatiy. who is the right person to go to if you need to dig a tomb ? the designer and the builder right ? that’s also the reason why feng shui master is very risky and money pot. that leads not many real fengshui master end up in good. that’s also why Fengshui master is not something we really talk about. this modern fengshui concept is a mixed of information with very confused concept. that is why it goes on forever but nobody is going to get anywhere.

KanYu from another hand, Western have architect, so that covers KanYu for the build part , but nothing Energy Connection related thing that western knowledge can do about, simply because there is no data and no knowledge bases. architect is easy, hard part is benefit whoever going to live or use this place. if it was not kanyu optimized, the people in it are very likely suffering from life a lot. and out of luck all the time if the place is doomed or just against you personally.

it not hard to explain this. it is just hard to make people take life seriously . most people had this powerful tools of ignore and careless or mind-escape . they suffer, however they numb too. so they do not feel it and just take every bad thing happening as it should be. we should have longer life but now everyone seems to think gets to 60 is the most. we should have no need to go doctors , but now it seems that seeing doctors and eat pills like candy is a daily normal thing? Come on. really ? We are human, the domainor of the earth , we should do better than that.

Even let's say Human race have been on this planet about 500 million years or more than that? It does not matter what I am about saying here. Think about this time like this long, seriously you think that ancient human will just leave in the caves and be wild like scientist declared for that long time? I believe it is more than that just you could not know about it. Feng shui has been created long before the history that we could know about. The very first thing that intelligent people will do is mapping the land and geography to find out where to get food and materials that could help survival. And the common sense that people will just build a house around the place that food plants grow. Know this Every land which can easy-grow plants are the energy place on earth. People living need that energy when it comes down to the night. Living high up is not going to make you long life at all . because every night you won't had much good sleep but blacked out or lack of energy. In Feng Shui, we don't have a high ground category. The high ground place is only suitable for commercial office not for sleep. House is the place that let you sleep well, and in the meantime, your body can take in all the earth Yin side of energy to balance the body.  I will be brief here Because this is a vast amount of knowledge that I can not do it just one page. Feng shui is about 1 location 2 position 3 sizing 4 personized figures 5 family figure 6 furniture placement 7 Daoism method of placing energy grid ( this effect very much when you have neighbors ) 8 Ancestor graveyard picking 9 Ancestor spiritual placing.
So just for you to know that Feng shui is not like what you know from the internet that moving around furniture and talking nonsense about it. If moving furniture can make great bless as feng shui can, those furniture company or staging company would make top money, wouldn't they? Decorating and modernize the house is one of the steps that a beautiful house has to be done to make a great living personized style and convenience, but in feng shui is only 1/9. I hope I can educate more people and work with those serious business people that who wants to develop not only good but a great house for people to live. This will make my Long-living educatation much easy. Because people practice with me, grow like a bit energy and stablized inner energy when they go back home after a long night everything falls apart. They have to go every day again and make no progress sometimes even worse. If you feel that have no progress after longtime practice then you may having this problem or other. Imagine that you have a bucket with a big hole at the bottom, only you put a high amount of water in to keep balance. Otherwise, there is a day that you will be empty. Daoism says that make yourself whole (completed) before you make any effort to be better. We provide house assessment and will always be honest with you. Guess how I know all about this? because I living in the cave on the mountain like our ancestor did.

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