
Ancient bamboo text of Te Ching



【上德不德,是以有德。下德不失德,是以无】德。上德无【为而】无以为也。上仁为之【而无】以为也。上义为之而有以为也。上礼【为之而莫之应也,则】攘臂而扔之。故失道。失道矣而后德,失德而后仁,失仁而后义,【失】义而【后礼。夫礼者,忠信之薄也,】而乱之首也。【前识者,】道之华也,而愚之首也。是以大丈夫居其厚而不居其泊(薄),居其实不居其华。故去皮(彼)取此。昔之得一者,天得一以清,地得【一】以宁,神得一以霝(灵),浴【谷】得一以盈,侯【王得一】而以为正。其致之也,胃(谓)天毋已清将恐【裂】,胃(谓)地毋【已宁】将恐【发,】胃(谓)神毋已霝(灵)【将】恐歇,胃(谓)浴(谷)毋已盈将将恐渴(竭),胃(谓)侯王毋已贵【以高将恐蹶。】故必贵而以贱为本,必高矣而以下为基。夫是以侯王自胃(谓)【曰】孤寡不(谷),此其贱【之本】与?非【也】?故致数与无与。是故不欲【禄禄】若玉,硌【硌若石。上士闻道,堇(勤)能行之。中士闻道,若存若亡。下士闻道,大笑之。弗笑,不足以为道。是以建言有之曰:明道如费,进道如退,夷道如类。上德如谷,大白如辱,广德如不足。建德如偷,质真如渝,大方无隅。大器晚成,大音希声,大象无形,道褒无名。夫唯】道,善【始且善成。反也者,】道之动也。弱也者,道之用也。【天下之物生于有,有生于无。道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负阴而抱阳,】中气以为和。天下之所恶,唯孤寡不(谷),而王公以自名也。勿(物)或(损)之【而益,益】之而(损)。故人【之所教,】夕(亦)议而教人。故强良(梁)者不得死,我【将】以为学父。天下之至柔,【驰】骋于天下之致(至)坚。无有入于无间。五(吾)是以知无为【之有】益也。不【言之】教,无为之益,【天】下希能及之矣。名与身孰亲?身与货孰多?得与亡孰病?甚【爱必大费,多藏必厚】亡。故知足不辱,知止不殆,可以长久。大成若缺,其用不弊(敝)。大盈若(冲),其用不(宭)。大直如诎(屈),大巧如拙,大赢如。趮(躁)胜寒,靓(静)胜炅(热)。请(清)靓(静),可以为天下正。·天下有道,【却】走马以粪。天下无道,戎马生于郊。·罪莫大于可欲,(祸)莫大于不知足,咎莫憯于欲得。【故知足之足,】恒足矣。不出于户,以知天下。不规(窥)于牖,以知天道。其出也弥远,其【知弥少。是以圣人不行而知,不见而名,弗】为而【成。】为【学者日益,闻道者日损。损之又损,以至于无为,无为而无不为。将欲】取天下也,恒【无事,及其有事也,又不足以取天下矣。圣人恒无心,】□以百【姓】之心为【心。】善者善之,不善者亦善【之,得善也。信者信之,不信者亦信之,得】信也。【圣人】之在天下,(歙) (歙)焉,为天下浑心,百姓皆属耳目焉,圣人皆【咳之。出】生,【入死。生之徒十】有【三,死之】徒十有三,而民生生,动皆之死地之十有三。夫何故也?以其生生也。盖【闻善】执生者,陵行不【辟】矢(兕)虎,入军不被甲兵。矢(兕)无所椯(揣)其角,虎无所昔(措)其蚤(爪),兵无所容【其刃,夫】何故也?以其无死地焉。·道生之而德畜之,物刑(形)之而器成之。是以万物尊道而贵【德。道】之尊,德之贵也,夫莫之(爵)而恒自然也。·道生之,畜之,长之,遂之,亭之,□之,【养之,覆之。生而】弗有也,为而弗寺(恃)也,长而弗宰也,此之谓玄德。·天下有始,以为天下母。(既)得其母,以知其【子,】复守其母,没身不殆。·塞其(闷),闭其门,终身不堇(勤)。启其闷,济其事,终身【不棘。见】小曰【明,】守柔曰强。用其光,复归其明,毋道〈遗〉身央(殃),是胃(谓)袭常。·使我 (挈)有知也,【行于】大道,唯【施是畏。大道】甚夷,民甚好解。朝甚除,田甚芜,仓甚虚,服文采,带利【剑。厌】食,货【财有余。是谓夸。夸,非道也。】善建【者不】拔,【善抱者不脱,】子孙以祭祀【不绝。修之身,其德乃真。修之家,其德有】余。修之【乡,其德乃长。修之邦,其德乃丰。修之天下,其德乃溥。】以身【观】身,以家观家,以乡观乡,以邦观邦,以天【下】观【天下。吾何以知天下之然哉?以此。含德】之厚【者,】比于赤子。逢(蜂)()(虺)地(蛇)弗螫,攫鸟猛兽弗搏。骨弱筋柔而握固。未知牝【牡之会而朘怒,】精【之】至也。终曰〈日〉号而不,和之至也。和曰常,知和〈常〉曰明,益生曰祥,心使气曰强。【物壮】即老,胃(谓)之不道,不【道早已。知者】弗言,言者弗知。塞其闷,闭其【门,和】其光,同其(尘),坐(挫)其阅(锐),解其纷,是胃(谓)玄同。故不可得而亲,亦不可得而疏;不可得而利,亦不可得而害;不可【得】而贵,亦不可得而浅(贱)。故为天下贵。· 




其安也,易持也。【其未兆也,】易谋【也。其脆也,易判也。其微也,易散也。为之于其未有,治之于其未乱也。合抱之木,生于】毫末。九成之台,作于羸(蔂)土。百仁(仞)之高,台(始)于足【下。为之者败之,执之者失之。圣人为】也,【故】无败【也;】无执也,故无失也。民之从事也,恒于其成事而败之。故慎终若始,则【无败事矣。是以圣人】欲不欲,而不贵难得之(货);学不学,而复众人之所过;能辅万物之自【然,而】弗敢为。故曰:为道者非以明民也,将以愚之也。民之难【治】也,以其知(智)也。故以知(智)知邦,邦之贼也;以不知(智)知邦,【邦之】德也;恒知此两者,亦稽式也。恒知稽式,此胃(谓)玄德。玄德深矣,远矣,与物【反】矣,乃【至大顺。江】海之所以能为百浴(谷)王者,以其善下之,是以能为百浴(谷)王。是以圣人之欲上民也,必以其言下之;其欲先【民也,】必以其身后之。故居前而民弗害也,居上而民弗重也。天下乐隼(推)而弗猒(厌)也,非以其无诤(争)与?故【天下莫能与】诤(争)。· 小邦寡民,使十百人之器毋用。使民重死而远送〈徙〉。有车周(舟)无所乘之,有甲兵无所陈【之。使民复结绳而】用之。甘其食,美其服,乐其俗,安其居。(邻)邦相〈望〉,鸡狗之声相闻,民【至老死不相往来。信言不美,美言】不【信。知】者不博,【博】者不知。善【者不多,多】者不善。· 圣人无【积,既】以为【人,己愈有;既以予人,己愈多。故天之道,利而不害;人之道,为而弗争。天下皆谓我大,不肖。】夫唯【大,】故不宵(肖)。若宵(肖),细久矣。我恒有三葆(宝),之,一曰兹(慈),二曰检(俭),【三曰不敢为天下先。夫慈,故能勇;俭,】故能广;不敢为天下先,故能为成事长。今舍其兹(慈),且勇;舍其后,且先;则必死矣。夫兹(慈),【以战】则胜,以守则固。天将建之,女(如)以兹(慈)垣之。善为士者不武,善战者不怒,善胜敌者弗【与,】善用人者为之下。【是】胃(谓)不诤(争)之德,是胃(谓)用人,是胃(谓)天,古之极也。· 


用兵有言曰:“吾不敢为主而为客,吾不进寸而芮(退)尺。是胃(谓)行无行,襄(攘)无臂,执无兵,乃(扔)无敌矣。(祸)莫于〈大〉于无适(敌),无适(敌)斤(近)亡吾吾葆(宝)矣。故称兵相若,则哀者胜矣。吾言甚易知也,甚易行也;而人莫之能知也,而莫之能行也。言有君,事有宗。其唯无知也,是以不【我知。知我者希,则】我贵矣。是以圣人被褐而褱(怀)玉。知不知,尚矣;不知不知,病矣。是以圣人之不病,以其【病病。是以不病。民之不】畏畏(威),则【大威将至】矣。· 母(毋)闸(狎)其所居,毋猒(厌)其所生。夫唯弗猒(厌),是【以不厌。是以圣人自知而不自见也,自爱】而不自贵也。故去被(彼)取此。· 









Ancient bamboo text of Dao Ching.


The Dao Ching.



Dao, as the method of nature , but not alway the method of nature , because the nature changes constantly, the whole nature is a pure flowing water type.  for the name of it , you could name of it as whatever you want , however , nothing remains the same as time goes by . people like to change and modify names to claim the ownership . however nothing really can be owned or created as only nature gives and or allow you to have. Nothing comes with a name at the start point. when everything starting have names , civilization starts at that point. 


So you will have amazing longevity, and it does not  requires any desire and no claim of ownership, if you observe the true fact of nature. You will have the depress and stress if you have the desires and want to claim  ownership of nature in order to work with it to gain other goals except longevity.  you can not have them both at same time. People focus on desire and possesions , often blind and have no ability to feel and observe the nature laws.  These two side of coin , it comes with civilization and it share the same host as human race. Human race carry out a big part of nature energy. And Dao is the key to all of that , Dao also named as deatails as Xuan . Xuan is the key door to entering the amazing truth of nature. 


the great fame of people known by people around thw world are having sub-purpose than it look. litery means , if a beauty have known by everybody , then it surely have some undergoing business under the skin. 

the good work known by everybody , the promotion and advertisement often have many false claims or decoration.  Basicly , you can not truse something if it is too famed or lighted up. People intentionly do this because of other purpose.

that's why on the modern days, you can not fully trust adverstising business. It have gone too far off the track which it should be doing. 


Everything on earth are two sided. Yin and Yang. Positive and negative. Right and Wrong is based on human mind and can be controlled by perspective , so right and wrong are not nature laws. 

the nature law contains: happening&Vanishing are continusiouly going on one by one, Hard&easy are made by each other through period of time. Long and short can be put together to make shapes . Top and bottom are fundation and growing , benefit each other , can not be apart of. Mind and sound (speak) are linked together , you think so you speak.  before and after is following as programing.  

是以声(圣)人居无为之事,行【不言之教。万物作而弗始】也,为而弗志(恃)也,成功而弗居也。夫唯居,是以弗去。不上贤,【使民不争。不贵难得之货,使】民不为【盗】。不【见可欲,使】民不乱。是以声(圣)人之【治也,虚其心,实其腹;弱其志,】强其骨。恒使民无知无欲也。使【夫知不敢弗为而已,则无不治矣。道冲,而用之又弗】盈也。潚(渊)呵始(似)万物之宗。锉(挫)其,解其纷,和其光,同【其尘。湛呵似】或存。吾不知【谁】子也,象帝之先。天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。声(圣)人不仁,以百省(姓)【为刍】狗。天地【之】间,【其】犹橐钥舆(与)?虚而不淈(屈),踵(动)而俞(愈)出。多闻数穷,不若守于中。浴(谷)神【不】死,是胃(谓)玄牝。玄牝之门,是胃(谓)【天】地之根。绵绵呵若存,用之不堇(勤)。天长,地久。天地之所以能【长】且久者,以其不自生也,故能长生。是以声(圣)人芮(退)其身而身先,外其身而身存。不以其无【私】舆(与)?故能成其私。上善治(似)水。水善利万物而有静(争),居众之所恶,故几于道矣。居善地,心善潚(渊),予善信,正(政)善治,事善能,(动)善时。夫唯不静(争),故无尤。(殖)而盈之,不【若其已。揣而】□之□,□可长葆之。金玉盈室,莫之守也。贵富而(骄),自遗咎也。功述(遂)身芮(退),天【之道也。戴营魄抱一,能毋离乎?抟气至柔,】能婴儿乎?修(涤)除玄蓝(鉴),能毋疵乎?爱【民活国,能毋以知乎?天门启阖,能为雌乎?明白四达,能毋以为乎?】生之,畜之。生而弗【有,长而弗宰,是谓玄】德。卅【辐同一毂,当】其无【有,车】之用【也。】然(埏)埴为器,当其无有,埴器【之用也。凿户牖,】当其无有,【室】之用也。故有之以为利,无之以为用。五色使人目明〈盲〉,驰骋田腊(猎)使人【心发狂。】难得之(货)使人之行方(妨),五味使人之口(爽),五音使人之耳聋。是以声(圣)人之治也,为腹不【为目。】故去罢(彼)耳〈取〉此。龙(宠)辱若惊,贵大梡(患)若身。苛(何)胃(谓)龙(宠)辱若惊?龙(宠)之为下,得之若惊,失【之】若惊,是胃(谓)龙(宠)辱若惊。何胃(谓)贵大梡(患)若身?吾所以有大梡(患)者,为吾有身也。及吾无身,有何梡(患)?故贵为身于为天下,若可以(托)天下矣;爱以身为天下,女何〈可〉以寄天下。视之而弗见,名之曰微。听之而弗闻,名之曰希。之而弗得,名之曰夷。三者不可至(致)计(诘),故【而为一。】一者,其上不,其下不忽。寻寻呵不可名也,复归于无物。是胃(谓)无状之状,无物之【象。是谓忽恍。随而不见其后,迎】而不见其首。执今之道,以御今之有,以知古始,是胃(谓)【道纪。古之善为道者,微妙玄达,】深不可志(识)。夫唯不可志(识),故强为之容,曰:与呵其若冬【涉水,犹呵其若】畏四【邻,严】呵其若客,涣呵其若凌(凌)泽(释),□呵其若(朴),湷【呵其若浊,呵其】若浴(谷)。浊而情(静)之,余(徐)清。女〈安〉以重(动)之,余(徐)生。葆此道不欲盈。夫唯不欲【盈,是】以能【敝而不】成。至虚极也,守情(静)表也。万物旁(并)作,吾以观其复也。天物云云,各复归于其【根,曰静。】情(静),是胃(谓)复命。复命,常也。知常,明也。不知常,(妄),(妄)作凶。知常容,容乃公,公乃王,王乃天,天乃道,【道乃久,】沕(没)身不怠。大上下知有之,其次亲誉之,其次畏之,其下母(侮)之。信不足,案(安)有不信。【犹呵】其贵言也。成功遂事,而百省(姓)胃(谓)我自然。故大道废,案有仁义。知(智)快(慧)出,案有大伪。六亲不和,案有畜(孝)兹(慈)。邦家(昏)乱,案有贞臣。绝声(圣)弃知(智),民利百负(倍)。绝仁弃义,民复畜(孝)兹(慈)。绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。此三言也,以为文未足,故令之有所属。见素抱【朴,少私寡欲。绝学无忧。】唯与诃,其相去几何?美与恶,其相去何若?人之【所畏,】亦不【可以不畏。恍呵其未央哉!】众人(熙)(熙),若乡(飨)于大牢,而春登台。我泊焉未佻(兆),若【婴儿未咳。】累呵如【无所归。众人】皆有余,我独遗。我禺(愚)人之心也,蠢蠢呵。鬻(俗)【人昭昭,我独若】(昏)呵。鬻(俗)人蔡(察)蔡(察),我独(闷)(闷)呵。忽呵其若【海,】望(恍)呵其若无所止。【众人皆有以,我独顽】以悝(俚)。吾欲独异于人,而贵食母。孔德之容,唯道是从。道之物,唯望(恍)唯忽。【忽呵恍】呵,中有象呵。望(恍)呵忽呵,中有物呵。(幽)呵呜(冥)呵,中有请(精)〈呵〉。其请(精)甚真,其中【有信。】自今及古,其名不去,以顺众(父)。吾何以知众(父)之然?以此,炊者不立,自视(示)不章,【自】见者不明,自伐者功,自矜者不长。其在道,曰:“(余)食、赘行。』物或恶之,故有欲者【弗】居。曲则全,枉则定(正),洼则盈,敝则新。少则得,多则惑。是以声(圣)人执一,以为天下牧。不【自】视(示)故明,不自见故章,不自伐故有功,弗矜故能长。夫唯不争,故莫能与之争。古【之所谓曲全者几】语才(哉),诚金(全)归之。希言自然。飘风不冬(终)朝,暴雨不冬(终)日。孰为此?天地,【而弗能久,又况】于人乎?故从事而道者同于道,德(得)者同于德(得),者〈失〉者同于失。同德(得)【者】,道亦德(得)之。同于失者,道亦失之。有物昆成,先天地生。绣(寂)呵缪(寥)呵,独立【而不改,】可以为天地母。吾未知其名,字之曰道。吾强为之名曰大。【大】曰筮(逝),筮(逝)曰【远,远曰反。道大,】天大,地大,王亦大。国中有四大,而王居一焉。人法地,【地】法【天】,天法【道,道】法【自然。重】为巠(轻)根,清(静)为趮(躁)君。是以君子众(终)日行,不离其甾(辎)重,唯(虽)有环官,燕处【则昭】若。若何万乘之王而以身巠(轻)于天下?巠(轻)则失本,趮(躁)则失君。善行者无(辙)迹,【善】言者无瑕适(谪),善数者不以梼(筹)(策)。善闭者无(关)龠()而不可启也,善结者【无 】约而不可解也。是以声(圣)人恒善(救)人,而无弃人,物无弃财,是胃(谓)明。故善【人,善人】之师;不善人,善人之赍(资)也。不贵其师,不爱其赍(资),唯(虽)知(智)乎大眯(迷)。是胃(谓)眇(妙)要。知其雄,守其雌,为天下溪。为天下溪,恒德不鸡〈离〉。恒〈德〉不鸡〈离〉,复归婴儿。知其白,守其辱,为天下浴(谷)。为天下【浴(谷),】恒德乃【足。】德乃【足,复归于朴。】知其,守其黑,为天下式。为天下式,恒德不貣(忒)。德不貣(忒),复归于无极。(朴)散【则为器,圣】人用则为官长。夫大制无割。将欲取天下而为之,吾见其弗【得已。夫天下,神】器也,非可为者也。为者败之,执者失之。物或行或随,或炅(热)或【吹,或强或挫,】或坏(培)或撱(堕)。是以声(圣)人去甚,去大,去楮(奢)。以道佐人主,不以兵强【于】天下。【其事好还,师之】所居,楚朸(棘)生之。善者果而已矣,毋以取强焉。果而毋(骄),果而勿矜,果而【勿伐,】果而毋得已居,是胃(谓)【果】而不强。物壮而老,是胃(谓)之不道,不道蚤(早)已。夫兵者,不祥之器【也。】物或恶之,故有欲者弗居。君子居则贵左,用兵则贵右。故兵者非君子之器也。【兵者】不祥之器也,不得已而用之,铦袭为上,勿美也。若美之,是乐杀人也。夫乐杀人,不可以得志于天下矣。是以吉事上左,丧事上右;是以便(偏)将军居左,上将军居右,言以丧礼居之也。杀人众,以悲依(哀)立(莅)之;战胜,以丧礼处之。道恒无名,(朴)唯(虽)【小而天下弗敢臣。侯】王若能守之,万物将自宾。天地相谷〈合〉,以俞甘洛(露)。民莫之【令,而自均】焉。始制有【名。名亦既】有,夫【亦将知止,知止】所以不【殆。】俾(譬)道之在天【下也,犹小】浴(谷)之与江海也。知人者,知(智)也。自知【者,明也,胜人】者,有力也。自胜者,【强也。知足者,富】也。强行者,有志也。不失其所者,久也。死不忘者,寿也。道泛【呵其可左右也,成功】遂事而弗名有也。万物归焉而弗为主,则恒无欲也,可名于小。万物归焉【而弗】为主,可名于大。是【以】声(圣)人之能成大也,以其不为大也,故能成大。执大象,【天下】往。往而不害,安平大。乐与饵,过格(客)止。故道之出言也,曰:“谈(淡)呵其味也。【视之,】不足见也。听之,不足闻也。用之,不可既也。”将欲拾(翕)之,必古(固)张之。将欲弱之,【必固】强之。将欲去之,必古(固)与之。将欲夺之,必古(固)予之。是胃(谓)微明。友弱胜强,鱼不脱于潚(渊),邦利器不可以视(示)人。道恒无名,侯王若守之,万物将自(化)。(化)而欲【作,吾将镇】之以无名之(朴)。【镇之以】无名之(朴),夫将不辱。不辱以情(静),天地将自正。

Dao Te Ching chapter 27 .

Recently I have answered a question on Quora website. 

the question is like this : 

What does this quote from the Tao Te Ching mean? What is a good man but a bad man's teacher? What is a bad man but a good man's job?

when I first see this , I have no idea what is this talking about . It doesn't make any sense .

Then I realized that this is just another wrong interpretation. and among so many others just trying to make it even more no sense at all. 

This is how it should be :



People who good at travel , you won't be able to track them


People who good at talking , you won't find fraud in their words and sentences


People who good at strategy , they don't need to planning or ask for opinions.


Those good at locks , they won't have keys and they won't unlock by anyway


Those good at knots , they won't need ties still no way to un tied.


So therefore sante people always good at save people and nobody will left behind


If everyone good at save people , then everyone can be saved .no abandoned people left.


this is true bright legacy


So people who good at something, normally don't know how to teach others (or not willing to share )


Those people who does not good at anything , are the funding resources for those who good at somethings

( ordinary people pay specialist to do the job or teach them)


People who learn form specialist need to respect the master

The master need to love those who pays to learn

If not , they can be still smart enough to learn but will never got the true ability of what they want to learn .


This is the truth of nature .

First thing first , in order to truly understand this you have to know what is the meaning of 善

Everybody trying to translate 善 as good 善人 means good people , it seems that nobody really know Chinese no more . After simplified Chinese nobody actually knows original Chinese characters.

善 means good at something , specialized in some field

善人 means someone good at something , specialist of something , it have nothing to do with good .

This chapter is talking about how to behave if you are apprentice, how to behave if you are master , and who can be called master , and how to work with master and learn from master . There are nature laws about those people who have mastery on some field . Normally they don't want to share the skills , but as nature way people should share everything, and apprentice need to respect and honor the master in order to learn from them . Apprentice need to precious their master and master need to love the apprentice .

This is how people can actually learn something good from somebody . Young people who fail to respect teachers , although you have paid you won't gain anything . Paying right amount to right person is saving money than paying less to wrong people for nothing .

Lao tzu have nothing to do with dao and daoism himself

He was named by others as the god of daoism which he is not .

Lao tzu is a true man who have viewed many daoism ancient books as he was the governor of the national treasure vault . He practiced it and found out it is true .

Daoism god is called tai Shang lao jun . Yes he also have the word Lao but it's not Lao tzu . So many people so confused about this and automatically think Lao Jun is Lao tzu .

三清 太上老君 和 老子。不是一個。 一個是神,一個是人。

Lao tzu also said that long before him there are many daoism master who show guidance to the kings of ancient times . Huang di tried to become guang Cheng

Zi “s apprentice but guang cheng zi ( daoism grand master ) did not take him only showed him some wisdom .

Daoism is way long than huang di , and yet nowadays everybody think that daoism is from lao tzu which is Zhou dinasty .

Daoism gods is three purity god . Yuqing Shangqing Taiqing

Yuqing is core of everything

Shangqing is core of method

Taiqing is core of longevity

Taiqing is specified with human life so he is the one bring wisdom to human as name of tai Shang Lao jun

I am gonna write a book about this in full text .

And I will teach true traditional Chinese to more people who interested in it.

as Dao Te Ching suppose to be and alway is 100% understandable and pure practical knowledges for anybody to make a better life. 

true nature laws don't make no sense. 

original link

入道首篇:太上老君常清靜經。Tai Shang Lao Jun Chang Qing Jing Ching. First entry chapter of everything of Dao.

太上老君說常清淨經 This chapter of Ching 's name is Yu-Qing God ( also known as Lao Jun ) speaks of How to maintain a crystal clear and clean life.


Lao Jun says that : Great Dao is formless, have been give birth to the sky and land. it's have no emotion feelings, it's the source of motion of the law that ruling the Sun and moon. It is have no name, yet it gives energy to everything that have life.  He does not know the name of Great Dao , so just made a name for it as it is Dao.


The Dao contains( basic law of live beings) : Clear and turbid, moving and static; sky is clear and earth is turbidity, sky is moving and earth is static; men is clear and women is turbid, male is moving and female is static; birth and death, this is what made life is life and start of all things. Qing who, the source of the cloud, the move, the static base; people can often understand Clear and Static, sky and earth are all within your hand.


The human mind is based on Clarity, but Heart(emotion feelings) always disturb it. Human emotion feelings (heart) is based on Static, but desire(human needs) always involve with it. So if people get desire under control of a clear mind, then emotion feelings will be static, when the emotion feelings static, the mind will have its clarity. ( this is a triangle effective base.) ( you can not actually control mind or heart without depressing yourself, start point is better at Desire control, this will have no pressure and the key to start self-consciousness). When the mind is clear, you will have no longer struggle with Six basic human needs,and three mind poison will vanish from the brain. People who can not in the state of healthy mind is those who let their emotion feelings flood and abuse their desire of needs. People who want to control the desire of needs, should be able to do as follow: First, observe your emotion feelings, you will know that emotion feelings only exist in mind, it is not real, it is caused by other related things that around you. This is not something generated by yourself. So it is hallucinating or over thinking's result. People should get rid of it. Second, observe your physical body, you will realize, you have been giving physical form, this is not yours, you rented it, when you die you won't carry anything with you, and you won't have a body too, so those emotion feeling about the physical body and belongings should let it go. Third, observe others things around, you will realize that they are pretty much the same as you, they won't carry when they die and nature won't change regardless your exist or not. Once you have figured this three bases out, you will see only nothing and nothing is everything, so when everything is nothing, and we should be able to get the clarity and relief of all of this very easily. Once people let everything go, they shall be able to get everything in orders. Means steps by steps. Once people have no self-motivated desires, then those shall have their clarity of the universe. This is true clarity. True clarity means, without self-interests, you will act as nature calls, you will get what nature gives, and you should have all nature. At this very moment, you can call yourself Had Dao with you. Physically you still have nothing, but cleared mind. People who can achieve this and understand this should be able to teach other people about Dao.


Lao Jun says: People at the upper side of Grand level generally gives chances to others, could be very generous, people at the downside of Lower level often fight for themselves until death. The people who achieve great success do not have to do anything; they will remain good reputation. People who achieved nothing would do everything but still have no name to be remembered, so they become obsessed with a pursuit that things not belong to them.  Those people who so obsessed with desire will cloud their mind and become have no moral standard and principle . and when they went far enough they will have a very abused emotional desires . and this will make their mind shocked in the state of numb. The reaction of this would cause everything to react on . they will be even more greed, all the troubles comes from greed. Troubles will make the body illness and mind illness. They will suffer and lost in the social life; Dao will abandon them forever as they abandoned Dao long time ago. People know the truth would not like to be those people who suffer from their lives. Life has no purpose of being suffering only people made their choices.


Notice: Lao Jun is Yu-Qing God . he is not Lao Tzu.  Do not confuse with those Two , since they both Have a Lao in the name . Lao is simply means Old or very old.

Notice2: 七情, the sever emotional feelings that is all the emotional feelings human can have. they are : 喜Xǐ, 怒nù, 忧yōu, 思sī, 悲bēi, 恐kǒng, 惊jīng which is Happy, anger, worry, Miss, sadness, fear, surprise

Notice3: 六欲,the six human desire( needs) comes along with the body is : Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, wish, meaning: the desire to sense and feel.

after words by master mencius :

After you read this and totally understand of this you will see how ridiculous that nowadays, people around the world trying to make a good planet earth then yet we are destroying it, even more, faster and stronger.  Why ? Because so many people are out there and educate people the wrong idea and misled information. No wonder why people suffer more when they are under the influence of that very wrong information and so fear to get isolated or knocked out of social life. They won't speak their real mind and them just participate with those false ideas and or fake nice people. For Daoism there is only one way to find out the truth is to be honest with self. You do not have to speak out, but you do have to clear with yourself. I can not stand that when I see people are getting pushed down to the edge of a self-interests idea, but do n't know what is going on at all. Suger talk is the greatest poison. Chinese old phrase says that 忠言逆耳利于行, honest words are often shocking but very good for life. People should not suggest people get emotional in their life as the same as getting rational in the life. Those two needs to be balanced in the way of things. Let's say that different case different conditions to act. But for desires, people definitely should not encourage people to pursue the idea of trying so hard to make sense of this world. You already have it in you. Just have to look back inside of you. People are often wrong about this, only because they have been looking for it in wrong direction and wrong place for so long and even worse with those fake people who is teaching them. Just one think would be enough . after those many years what have you done and get? Result ? Generally enlightenment only takes about second or minutes. And rest will flood into your mind. Mind clear does not take years.There is the only master of skills set years practice. I hope I can wake as many people as I can.

the below part is the pass lineage of This ching. in short terms it says that , this is passed down by many as the first one heard From Lao Jun.

Feng Shui ? Kan Yu ? Are you sure you know what are you talking about?

look at that picture, Yes, everybody knows that good environment is very critical foundation that a House need. and this is nature good environment that people really need for long-living life.

What is Kan Yu and What is Feng Shui?

Now, If you are reading this , you possibly thinking you know feng shui or at least you had some experience about it if you have a CHinese friend or in the business of real estate. Otherwise, you are very hard likely to know anything about it. Maybe you dont even know the name of it. But it is ok. I mean if you know nothing is even better. Because what you know is wrong and dont know make your better.

ok. lets dive in. what I am about to tell here is going to blast your mind. and fresh it with the real deal.

Feng Shui by it name : authentic and technical way speaking, it is a knowledge and method system that invented for the dead. specific for the tombs. you know how ancient people think about tombs and how serious they are when it comes down to build one. right ? think about ancient China, ancient egypt, Most likely they are all in the east. west side of the world does not apply this route. that’s why Feng shui would not been introducted to the west until recent 100 years maybe?

I am a true feng shui master from authentic daoism linage, so what I am good at by that ? that means I am good at locate places, analysis the energy, analysis the soil, design how to build. design how to hide. design what works the best for the tomb owners favor, especially for his family tree after he passed away. however you have to be burred in the tomb. and prevent being ashed. Now, Why use Feng shui as the name of this activity ? Have you ever thought about it ? Name is something you describe a thing and make others know it by a glance. that’s exactly what feng shui is. Feng means wind/ air flow, shui means water/liquid. So what’s the connection of this two words with tomb ? Well, if you are archiologist you will know a hint by now , if you are not you maybe watched some video about tombs. let me help you understand here, it does not need to be a expert to understand , but it does take experience and expertise to be able to make it happen . If you are going to build a great tomb that works, Feng and Shui which is Air flow and environment stablablity is two core element that going to take your work down. so for a tomb to be properly build , eliminate the air-flow and soiled environment is the key. We daoist feng shui master have a saying that air moves when wind blows, air stops when water arrives. So long story for short. for building a tomb, you will have to eliminate the air in the tomb and flood it with water. this is the something archiologist wont even know , they often know that almost all the tombs have water or flooded sometime during the age. but they wont know why. We have kept this secret for entire time. so that is why this method called Feng shui Method.

So mind blowed right? stop calling improve your home energy Feng shui from now on . it actually really going to help you achieve that.

Now if Feng shui was the wrong name for the thing people are trying to achieve nowdays what is the real name for it ?

It is called Kan Yu Chinese write like this 堪 舆, 堪 means alnalysis the soil and digging down make the fundation 舆 means Conect the energy from the environment with a fundation. so this is what you are looking for to improve your luck of your life if you need them. KanYu job is way easier than the feng shui job. also makes kanyu job less mysterious. why fengshui is popular ? that have something to do with the tomb ride activatiy. who is the right person to go to if you need to dig a tomb ? the designer and the builder right ? that’s also the reason why feng shui master is very risky and money pot. that leads not many real fengshui master end up in good. that’s also why Fengshui master is not something we really talk about. this modern fengshui concept is a mixed of information with very confused concept. that is why it goes on forever but nobody is going to get anywhere.

KanYu from another hand, Western have architect, so that covers KanYu for the build part , but nothing Energy Connection related thing that western knowledge can do about, simply because there is no data and no knowledge bases. architect is easy, hard part is benefit whoever going to live or use this place. if it was not kanyu optimized, the people in it are very likely suffering from life a lot. and out of luck all the time if the place is doomed or just against you personally.

it not hard to explain this. it is just hard to make people take life seriously . most people had this powerful tools of ignore and careless or mind-escape . they suffer, however they numb too. so they do not feel it and just take every bad thing happening as it should be. we should have longer life but now everyone seems to think gets to 60 is the most. we should have no need to go doctors , but now it seems that seeing doctors and eat pills like candy is a daily normal thing? Come on. really ? We are human, the domainor of the earth , we should do better than that.

Even let's say Human race have been on this planet about 500 million years or more than that? It does not matter what I am about saying here. Think about this time like this long, seriously you think that ancient human will just leave in the caves and be wild like scientist declared for that long time? I believe it is more than that just you could not know about it. Feng shui has been created long before the history that we could know about. The very first thing that intelligent people will do is mapping the land and geography to find out where to get food and materials that could help survival. And the common sense that people will just build a house around the place that food plants grow. Know this Every land which can easy-grow plants are the energy place on earth. People living need that energy when it comes down to the night. Living high up is not going to make you long life at all . because every night you won't had much good sleep but blacked out or lack of energy. In Feng Shui, we don't have a high ground category. The high ground place is only suitable for commercial office not for sleep. House is the place that let you sleep well, and in the meantime, your body can take in all the earth Yin side of energy to balance the body.  I will be brief here Because this is a vast amount of knowledge that I can not do it just one page. Feng shui is about 1 location 2 position 3 sizing 4 personized figures 5 family figure 6 furniture placement 7 Daoism method of placing energy grid ( this effect very much when you have neighbors ) 8 Ancestor graveyard picking 9 Ancestor spiritual placing.
So just for you to know that Feng shui is not like what you know from the internet that moving around furniture and talking nonsense about it. If moving furniture can make great bless as feng shui can, those furniture company or staging company would make top money, wouldn't they? Decorating and modernize the house is one of the steps that a beautiful house has to be done to make a great living personized style and convenience, but in feng shui is only 1/9. I hope I can educate more people and work with those serious business people that who wants to develop not only good but a great house for people to live. This will make my Long-living educatation much easy. Because people practice with me, grow like a bit energy and stablized inner energy when they go back home after a long night everything falls apart. They have to go every day again and make no progress sometimes even worse. If you feel that have no progress after longtime practice then you may having this problem or other. Imagine that you have a bucket with a big hole at the bottom, only you put a high amount of water in to keep balance. Otherwise, there is a day that you will be empty. Daoism says that make yourself whole (completed) before you make any effort to be better. We provide house assessment and will always be honest with you. Guess how I know all about this? because I living in the cave on the mountain like our ancestor did.

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Daoism philosophy about Fate&Life destiny。命理不清,何以行天下。没有导航,如何自驾游?

As people often ask me about Fate and human destiny or life purpose. I tell them Ancient Daoism have been more than clear about this since the very beginning of human race. It is very pure and simple; I think modern lifetime just too busy, and too fast people keep ignore obvious facts and keep dreaming in the head and hallucinating. A Clear mind is critical; I am keep saying. Without navigation,do you dare to go wild hiking or travel?
Daoism says that People have one fate and or human destiny along with twelve steps of circling serve each lifetime that you are going to have. You can not change your destiny; you can alter your steps by changing your mind. However I will say that often change your steps is like often change your lane when you drive on a freeway, consider its dangerous and reckless, only change if you must. Daoism master is existed to serve this purpose of help people to know their fate and set the right path. At least this is how I know from Daoism. We don't do the ceremony for living at all.

本真時常本問起,命運為何物?人是否可以逆天改命?算命有何用?如果人生萬般皆定數,那知道于不知道似乎沒有區別。古人的話是不是說錯了? 本真常說,古人不會錯的,如果古人的話與現在的社會有出入的話,那只會是兩個原因,一個是你理解錯了古人的意思.另一個就是你所謂的社會現實是你想當然的並不是真的社會現實。

命運為何物? 天地之初,混沌無極,孕育萬物,萬物使然,有一開始,即有一結束,命就是這個結束點。而運是從開始到達這個結束點的過程,也就是我們說的十二運,十二個階段從開始到結束。人一出生既定了人之天命,如果一生做到天命所歸,那你的一生將是最精彩和如意完整的。大部分人無法知天命所以導致一生曲折往復,甚至郁郁不得而終。也就是平常說的無法到達。這就是為何知天命乃是人生最重要也是第一件需要做的事情。道家講師父徒弟傳承,與這個規則有莫大的關係。因為天命的知曉需要好的開頭和好的師父幫助開悟。沒有這個基礎,長大的孩子也就是渾渾噩噩,又或者掙扎于紅塵之中。選好了地點方好出發,不然無目標的出發,只是無功而返或者歹死半路。人不可以逆天改命。逆天者死。人可以改運適命,這就是周易問卜和麻衣神相的來源,道術皆是為了幫助人看清天命,適命而生。並不是什麼神神鬼鬼的伎倆,不過是些不肖的人沒有學會,學點皮毛,到江湖去混口飯吃導致的以訛傳訛罷了。(以前聖人不教,偷師的人才會走上江湖賣藝的路子,你們能知道的街頭算命先生來源於此,真的精通此門的皆不會以此為生,至於為何,留待日後)。出門不知道自己將去向何方?試問,出門還有何意義?不出門的話,生下來又有何意義?所以人生萬般皆定數,知命而行方精彩。人是必須要出去經歷社會,完成使命,造福社會,才能升級,才能運轉輪迴而不往復的。古人中正簡單,不會錯的。注意:本真說的古人乃是秦之前的古人。秦之后的偽作甚多。魚目混珠。諸位看客信則多看,不信則回。此處無強求。