The twelve circling steps of life。道門長生十二運,知天命方可長久。

The twelve steps that you will have as one life time.

The twelve steps that you will have as one life time.

The twelve steps of circling :

Long-living, Bath, Career, Success, Great achievement, Retire, Mind illness, Death, Grave, Vanish, Birth, Growing.


Long-living: the whole life you are having is long (time) living.  Means on the path. As long as you do not end it or end by other, you shall have a very limited long life. The meaning of Long is only existed when time applies. In Daoism, the time means nothing with life, so We do not see life as long or short, We see it as completed or uncompleted. Either you reach the finished line, or yourself finished.


Bath: as you living, when time goes by, you are going to have more and more belongings, if you don't know what to keep what to lose, you will end up really heavy and dirty . its the same as why you need to take bath time to time. Refresh is good for long-living. This also shows that as the baby grow up, many new things are fresh in their mind, and they are learning. So only fresh your baby and children with pure water and good information, otherwise, they will get skin problem with whole life.


Career:  As an adult, people get to dress formally and social life begins. This is the start of everything that means to you. Actual life and contribution to nature start from here. Before this you are taking from nature and everything, it is the time to give back and more important to make it better.


Success:  As career goes by time. You will earn your respect and titles. With this, you can provide food and protection and support for the whole family. Make the family grow big. Family is a single unit of everything. Only families are growing in good shape then they can support a better world and nature planet.

臨官:又稱“進祿”。人長成後,可以出仕做官,或掙錢養家;新事物也已成熟,地位日益鞏固。官人,丈夫的稱謂即是由此得來. 不可以稱呼老公。此為太監之稱呼。

Great achievement: Di Wang, literally means Leadership with great achievement and very large family.


Retire: after your great achievement, it is the time for retire. And let next generation play their role with your foundation.


Mind Illness: Every successful man will have this issue when they retired and have nothing to do. They all will have mind issue that because they are so want to be young again. This needs to be cured with meditation and relax. Otherwise, you will make the family fall by putting too many ideas to next generations. Senior citizens could offer a suggestion but never should step in after your retirement.


Death: the physical body will face limitation. Reputation and name will be all that left. This will benefit Children's and relatives. If you don't have anything left then, your children will have to do everything from the start and go over again. Nothing is right or wrong , good or bad here; it is just choices about time and energy waste.


Grave: Title and name will be marked and documented in memory of your family and others that you helped and supported. And this will give a great reward for your children and family, only if you did not spend any of it when you alive.


Vanish: When dead placed in a grave, the body will dispose, and Spirit will come out and go back in the line of birth. If you have finished your destiny then you will have the new high-level destiny, if not you will go over again, it is the same like playing vide games. Only bad thing is you can not save it for later. Everytime from the beginning and if you have the the memory about this, you would do everything very slow and carefully and do not want to die or suicide at all.


Birth: when woman gets praganent, only after 3-5 months , spirits will come and take form. Fresh vessul grows first , the spirtis does not come along with sperms. So just for you to know there is no such a thing called Sperm ghost. Abortion does not make baby ghost. Abortion is not right thing to do. but not because you will haunted by baby ghost or something like this . it only because people should take responsibility for their own actions. Baby is gift , dont abandond them because you think you can not feed them. Baby are easy to feed and raise up if you dont know how , I would like to educate you and even more We can help with daoism Method. Baby really is the future Us.


Growing: or cultivating, means after the birth We need to provide all the nutrient for them. But This nutrient has to be what infant baby needs not what you think they need. I always found out that baby with problems and sickness are over-feed or food poison by so many times. Parents are so worried about they don't get enough. Less offer is better.  That's why baby disease is increasing as our technology fly, don't you ever wondering why when we have a more advanced medical ability, and yet we are dying faster than ancient time. What is wrong?


As twelve of those steps. There are three phrases.

Long-living, Career, Success, Great achievement is wood & fire time, Which is energy spend process.

Bath,Death,Grave,Vanish is Water time, Which is wisdom practice process.

Retire, Mind illness, Birth, Growing is earth & gold time, Which is restore energy process.

十二長生中,長生、冠帶、臨官、帝旺代表上升的運勢,稱為“四旺運”,敗、死、墓、絕,代表下降的運勢,稱為“四衰運”,衰、病、胎、養代表平淡的運勢。稱為"四平運”  命理學裡面的改運就是改這四個平運,如果這四個平運做的好,其他八個運就會很穩定。所以古人常說人生需要四平八穩。 四平八穩這個詞是這麼由來的。

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