The knowledge that you may not know about Life. 长生之法基要略述。

I just finished my practice. So I am going to write something about few things about how to actually live longer. There are basic ideas about human life that I found out so many people are getting it wrong and nobody seems really trying to get to know the body in depth.


First one: our body has limited age, but it is not 100 or 120 if you aim 100 you will just get 70 or 80, if you target 120, you may get 90. Daoism has a very great philosophy that says if your goal is 100, you can only reach 70%or 80% as limited, so no goal set and trying all the best will make things happen in the way surprise you or you will get nothing done for your life. I found this is very true. According to Daoism Ancient book human cell, one-time recycle will take 60 years to reach death, and it can recircle about 3-9-18 times, so true typically people can live 180-540-1080 years. There are a certain breakpoint if you pass that point your life time will be doubled. Few hundreds of years ago, Chinese Daoist still had people who lived around 200 years old. And some around 300. as documented . for those I know and never tell can be around 600. In Daoism, we don't ask or talk about age, and we don't disclose age. This helps to make a long life in many ways.  When you live long enough, you will just lose count of it. You don't need to believe any of this just take as a mythic story its fine. Won't affect anything. Only if you want to know how. If you don't, then those stories do not matter at all . when you believe you can live longer, you have that gate opened for you.


Second: what you eat is what you become. Human cells take energy power from food . also take genetic frequency from food too. Just remember this, what you take, it will stick in you, so choose your food carefully . and you will not kill yourself.


Third: we don't have to ill or sick. Illness comes from the mind . Sick comes food poison or energy disruptions. If you were doing all the nature ways, you will healthy and never have a chance to get sick or ill.


Four: Nobody else want you living longer, this is the main issue that exists, but no one talks about it. Only yourself wants to live, or sometimes depressed mind don't even want to yourself live. So clear mind and be alone is critical in Daoism practice. The less disturb you have then more chance you can live longer.

其四,除了自己,沒人會希望你長生,這個事是個很自我的事情,道家修煉講致虛極守靜篤就是這個道理,一群人練功,總有高低之分,一旦有了,就有人不希望你厲害,就有禍害,如若是這樣,長生也是難,自古就是多數被人下毒而害,所以有些事還是要自我一些,今天的社會到是特別,除了別人不想你活長,有些人自己也不想活長,因為社會信息交互大大加快,人能知道的,可以比較的實在太容易,個人思緒無法平復,貪慾猛增,怎會不壓抑腦袋產生頑疾,別人害你還有可防禦,自我殘害則是無藥可醫。 所以,清心寡慾是第一步。關於清心寡慾,另外再述,此不細說。

Five: fast movement and energy spend or power burn are the main reason cause our human body cells die. So don't run or heavy body work or depressed mind, those are the reason make you aging, this will only benefit hospital and doctors and those who wants you die and make money out of it. You know I am right. Because I earn a living by telling the truth. I think kidnap people in the name of saving lives is not a right thing to do. I am not saying they are all evil, but evil is always out there. Better care then knows nothing, right?


There is more. I won't be able to do that in writing. Phsical training and practice are necessary; the first step is to know about it. So if you take yourself seriously and want to have a better life, you should take my class and find out more about it.


as my wish, I want to educate as many as I can, in the meantime, I could express Daoism to the world and make a great foundation for people who needs it.


I wish you find this useful. Follow my blog or social Apps to know more and even more thankful if you think it's good to know please do promote my website and knowledge to those who you care much.


Everyone should learn Ancient Chinese ,if you wish to learn more about Long living method from Daoism .  because some of it I can not make it clear in English since I only master this about a year or so. I would love to teach you Chinese in the way that you can learn it very fast and to undertand colorful meaning.

本真也就只能繁瑣一下,一件事做兩遍,用翻譯器,是萬萬不能的,不負責的事做出去,沒福澤還有災禍。 諸君就稍安勿躁,慢慢看來,日子還很長,大可慢慢來。
