Something you may find useful about Psychics.


However knowing the past is unnecessary. Focus on current life is most important. It is always attracting for people to know about it.


For the most of my life I have been down this path trying to correct people's view of the concepts that they do not genuinely know about it but so attracted to it. And one of them is these Psychic readings; this is what I am going to tell below.


Psychic readings, I don't know if the English word of this if it is related to psychology or not, but seems that present day psychology is not that much related psychic. Psychology seems to me like a Doctor-patient thing, and Psychic is entirely spiritual, and mystery thing people have fun with it. Should not those two are related? Surely in Daoism they are.


Psychic ability in Daoism have two primary path, the first one is physical readings, it allows people read faces, body, and other factors to know details about people's condition, therefore to help people improve themselves. The second path is spiritual readings, this involved ability to see or you can call it sense your past, present and future life in energy way. Briefly . Sometimes this can be wrong because of the view of the seeker can be just seeing part of the picture, so this in Daoism usually would just side evidence to help but not critical. Sometimes because very hard to find people who have born with this power, you can not train people to have this, so this is just something that precious but not that necessary. In some situation, this could be very key point to solve problems. However, as I said, very hard to get the ability. So generally Daoist just trained with the first type of skills to do so. And both of them are unique and helpful for people to know about themselves and help people to make lifetime decisions.

通靈的能力在道家來說比較隱藏,因為這個屬於特殊能力,一般不予外人道也。而道教正一,上清等派別都是以符箓法術為基礎,通靈的本領就屬於其中很重要的技能之一。這種法術與道門五術裡面的相術,卜術又完全的不一樣,西方人囫圇吞棗都混淆一談了,我發現英文也很難解釋的清楚,所以,我就一分為二的簡單的說,對於明白中文的,本真就解開謎團,讓你更深的明白的一下。通靈不是術,因為它是學不來的,這個純粹是先天決定的,如果有就是有,沒有就是沒有。後天學不來的,而相術和占卜術都是可以學的,所以你可以簡單的理解為,術都是可以學的,而法有些是與神俱來的,沒辦法學的。所以,道法講自然。如果你想學的是法,那你是學不到的。通靈之人具備觀萬事萬物前世今生未來的能力。可以足不出戶定奪乾坤,溝通天地。判斷一個人是否具備真的通靈也很容易。基本要素就是:1對方與你未曾謀面,2沒有任何熟悉你的人給通靈的人任何信息包括八字,3並不是通靈之人找上你的。 滿足這三點,如果對方可以說出你的生平,那基本此人具備通靈能力,那麼此人說的前世就是基本可信的,而由此得出的未來也是可信的。反之,則一定是騙局。這個能力並不是所有獲得人都喜歡的,因為無法控制,有時候是很壓抑的。所以,有很長時間,具備通靈能力和陰陽眼的人都不想要此類能力,認為是一種詛咒,如果沒有上師給予度化,一般都是夭折不得善終,所以很多基因沒有傳承下來,到現如今是很稀缺的了。大部分社會上的神婆巫師都是謀生忽悠爾爾罷了。相術,和占卜相比起來就簡單多了。一個是識人,一個是預測。都不是什麼特別難以理解的事。到是準不準各有差別。此類不會損失蔭德,所以傳承比較完善。通靈弄不好會損失蔭德或者無意洩露天機而遭天譴,所以真的會的人不會拿這個能力來賺小錢的。簡單的說就是入不敷出。做的有何意思。

Reading Tarot is the same as Bagua reading, actually I believe that tarot went into European country is learned by someone who has come to China and take the 八卦 bagua 's sixty-four image translated into 56 cards and eight based original cards. Somehow the primary eight cards are lost in transmit, or 8 turns into anther system of the 3x8=24 card which has two wild. Well, this is just a myth, but it is good for me to mention that the possibility since they have the same purpose and same method to tell the fortune. Whoever translated this is excellent with imaginations, turn words into the image is surely help people to understand the meaning of them easily with European culture. If people like to know more about tarot or Yiching bagua ,64 images. I would like to disclose more for people to learn. However in here, what I want to do is, let people know spiritual psychic and psychic reading are different, and how to spot who is the deceptive person who is trying to rip people off.

西方的塔邏牌預測,本真發現其核心就是我道家八卦周易推演出來的變法。有很多細節可以證明周易八卦在很早期的中國演變出來了棋牌類遊戲以益智,而撲克牌正是其壹種演化方式,有興趣的可以深挖壹下,撲克(poker)也叫紙牌(playing cards)。它的起源有多種說法,其中最被認同的說法是紙牌最早出現在中國,至少在公元969年時已經出現。當時中國的壹副紙牌有四個花色,每個花色有14張牌,既作為紙幣使用,又用來進行牌戲。有壹個傳說,謂有壹個威尼斯人從中國把紙牌帶回他的家鄉,所以威尼斯是歐洲最早有紙牌的地方。這個威尼斯的旅行者,可能就是尼可羅·波羅,他大約是在1269年和他的弟弟馬迪奧壹起由中國回到威尼斯,或者可能是尼可羅的兒子,著名的馬可·波羅,在他的父親和叔叔第二次去中國時,他跟隨他們壹同前往。紙牌的發展和推演術的結合就產生了塔羅牌,在這裏我想說,崇洋媚外真是沒有意義的,現代的人都跑到資本主義國家買東西,然後全部都是中國造,學的西方管理知識和教育方法都是中國的根,若是這樣,除了子孫不肖和真的是有人故意毀滅我中國文化也不無可能。反正目前的中國人是不把自己家祖宗的東西當寶貝就是了。其實壹點也不麻煩,就稍微的做些研究和調查大致的都會明白了,現代信息社會本應該很容易了解真實才對。只能說明壹葉障目。情有可原。值得說明的是,塔羅牌玩玩遊戲可以,表面預測預測可以,要真說能有多準和多大的作用,到是真的不太多了。 現代的年輕人動不動就算塔羅,也就是消遣娛樂。算起來還是會很有意思的,因為靈性強的人算出來的結果確實可以有指導能力。周易八卦那就是非常準確和深遠,不可同日而語。關於周易,不論是連山,歸藏,還是易春秋還是周易,它就是單純的一本解析命理的準則之書,別再無他,無論現代的學者給他多少解釋多少名字,它的本質都不會改變,只能是更多的只懂皮毛的人跑江湖混飯吃而已。一語即可破萬障,如果他們真懂命理,他們的人生就不會那麼苦悶了,他們也就不可能那麼多問題回答不出來了。不過就是寫些書賺錢吧了。這個時代書最不可信,因為什麼人都可以在家裡翻閱資料憋幾本書出來,東平西湊的書是很多矛盾和不通的。文明的打劫方式花樣很多。

Most of Tarot reader is using method and skills to read people to get to know more and base on that to get paid. Follow the way of the cards and speak it out. If those people are doing it by suggesting good advice for life and only ask slight amount of payment, People should just pay it and have fun with it, consider it is good thing that people give you good advise and suggestions out of their hearts, and you just had fun with it. You can think it is a tip that to those good heart people . But if you find out they are trying to scare you off or intimidate you by a ghost story or haunted future etc. just walk away and forget this ever happened. Simply it is like that they are ripping you off with dirty mind and heart. Don't worry about future, since you are in present getting harmed. Especially when they charge a large amount of money and promise you that they can help you. Nah, they can not. If there is a ghost or haunted something, they will just escape much faster than you do. Who will want to risk life just to get paid like 1000 or 10000?  At least it would cost millions to save your life.  Let's say how much do you think your life worth? This is common logic. So basic if for entertainment or just fun to spend some small money to get a look at life and everything is ok. Another scenario maybe you just need to be careful. The true tellers will be very convincing and so can the false tellers.、

對於跑江湖討生活的,你當娛樂的情況,花點小錢也就當做了善事,只要他們不利用你的恐懼心理恐嚇你出給多的錢財就可以。如果遇到恐嚇嚇唬你的,你就趕緊走人便是了,本真可以大膽告訴你,萬事無憂。因為真有大災禍或者生命之憂,他們是不會輕易告訴你的,哪怕知道,因為洩露天機是亡死之罪,試問陌生人誰有願意用他們的命換給你,哪怕你願意給很多錢財,多少又才值一條命呢? 這個說不通的。 如果當是好玩,娛樂消遣,倒也無妨。本真給很多徒弟解過命理,有好有懷,重在修身積德,如果能做到,自然消災解難。沒有那麼玄乎。占卜玄乎一些,會的也少。所以,大可一笑而過。

Just a few tips to spotting those who are fake psychics within my practice since I am in some deep insight.


One true psychics can not make a profit from telling people things that people should not know; this reveal will carry out the unfortunate results for the teller. Little pay would help nothing. So those charge little AND tells things are fake. But you could take this like an entertainment thing to do in the carnival.
關於道神乎其神的很多東西,其實,大部分都是人不能理解和明白,感覺神奇罷了,這如同外星人的飛碟,你不懂它的原理,超乎你的學識範圍,你就覺他它神奇,而懂得的人就不足為奇了,試問,你了解你身邊現在天天用的東西嗎?未必,手機你只會用而已,你並不了解它,這就解釋了,現代的中國人只會說中文而已,其實你並不了解它。 現代的中國人只知道中國國學,中國文化,道家文化等等,你並不了解它。 知道一個事物的名字,並不等同與你了解它。人們知道太陽月亮幾千幾萬年,了解多少呢? 這就是古人說的,不要自以為然。慎獨方得始終。

Two true psychics will not reveal things easily to people without purpose either save the man or save self. This is very easy to see when conversations have made.

現代中國社會的大部分毛病和病灶全部出於此,對自身文化的不懂和不假思索的態度,造就了一切禍根,再加上西方社會媒體的填充,人早都雲裡霧裡了。失去了一切判斷的能力。舉個例子,如果西方教育手段那麼好,那為什麼不見西方有神通出現? 看看最強大腦,看看西方大學的實質,為什麼有個詞叫象牙塔? 在看看中國人才輩出的封建社會。有些東西不言而喻。中國的人才再不怎樣,起碼中了秀才就可以回家修的起祠堂,如果有了一官半職可以養的起一家二十三十口人,現代的人可以么? 養一個孩子都要了命,還談全家族幾十口人?讀讀歷史,想想,到底是進步了還是退步了。去旅遊的時候,看以前人的房子宅子的時候想想,如果中國祖先那麼窮苦沒文化,他們又是怎麼做到家大業大,一個房子佔地幾百畝地,傭人僕人幾十口,家族上上下下百餘人,然後由一個人賺錢就可以負擔這一切。 到底是為何呢?

Three true psychics don't pray since they already have the ability to know past and future. Pray is just meaningless. So if you met spiritual people who happily ask you to pray or pay them to pray for you is fake.


Four true psychics may live in poor or you can say simple condition, but they will not live in sick or dirty or creepy environments. If any of this just for them to spooky you off and intimidate you to lose mind. Those surely are fake.

Five true psychics normally knows a lot of knowledge or have the ability to feel or sense. If you find that you are the one doing most of talking and they are the one asking lots question, they are surely fake. Usually, they don't ask much and yet they still know ( in this case you might need to notice that if you are rich or wealthy watch carefully of that if there is any friends involved or the chance that a scandal is pulling on you )

all I wanted to say is that just figure out by watch carefully.

I know genuine people who have an ability like that they just like to be alone. Imagine that too many sensation and information poured into your head. Many of them don't see that as a gift unless they have trained.

I hope this helps. I don't like people get ripped off by intimidation of unknown.