入道首篇:太上老君常清靜經。Tai Shang Lao Jun Chang Qing Jing Ching. First entry chapter of everything of Dao.

太上老君說常清淨經 This chapter of Ching 's name is Yu-Qing God ( also known as Lao Jun ) speaks of How to maintain a crystal clear and clean life.


Lao Jun says that : Great Dao is formless, have been give birth to the sky and land. it's have no emotion feelings, it's the source of motion of the law that ruling the Sun and moon. It is have no name, yet it gives energy to everything that have life.  He does not know the name of Great Dao , so just made a name for it as it is Dao.


The Dao contains( basic law of live beings) : Clear and turbid, moving and static; sky is clear and earth is turbidity, sky is moving and earth is static; men is clear and women is turbid, male is moving and female is static; birth and death, this is what made life is life and start of all things. Qing who, the source of the cloud, the move, the static base; people can often understand Clear and Static, sky and earth are all within your hand.


The human mind is based on Clarity, but Heart(emotion feelings) always disturb it. Human emotion feelings (heart) is based on Static, but desire(human needs) always involve with it. So if people get desire under control of a clear mind, then emotion feelings will be static, when the emotion feelings static, the mind will have its clarity. ( this is a triangle effective base.) ( you can not actually control mind or heart without depressing yourself, start point is better at Desire control, this will have no pressure and the key to start self-consciousness). When the mind is clear, you will have no longer struggle with Six basic human needs,and three mind poison will vanish from the brain. People who can not in the state of healthy mind is those who let their emotion feelings flood and abuse their desire of needs. People who want to control the desire of needs, should be able to do as follow: First, observe your emotion feelings, you will know that emotion feelings only exist in mind, it is not real, it is caused by other related things that around you. This is not something generated by yourself. So it is hallucinating or over thinking's result. People should get rid of it. Second, observe your physical body, you will realize, you have been giving physical form, this is not yours, you rented it, when you die you won't carry anything with you, and you won't have a body too, so those emotion feeling about the physical body and belongings should let it go. Third, observe others things around, you will realize that they are pretty much the same as you, they won't carry when they die and nature won't change regardless your exist or not. Once you have figured this three bases out, you will see only nothing and nothing is everything, so when everything is nothing, and we should be able to get the clarity and relief of all of this very easily. Once people let everything go, they shall be able to get everything in orders. Means steps by steps. Once people have no self-motivated desires, then those shall have their clarity of the universe. This is true clarity. True clarity means, without self-interests, you will act as nature calls, you will get what nature gives, and you should have all nature. At this very moment, you can call yourself Had Dao with you. Physically you still have nothing, but cleared mind. People who can achieve this and understand this should be able to teach other people about Dao.


Lao Jun says: People at the upper side of Grand level generally gives chances to others, could be very generous, people at the downside of Lower level often fight for themselves until death. The people who achieve great success do not have to do anything; they will remain good reputation. People who achieved nothing would do everything but still have no name to be remembered, so they become obsessed with a pursuit that things not belong to them.  Those people who so obsessed with desire will cloud their mind and become have no moral standard and principle . and when they went far enough they will have a very abused emotional desires . and this will make their mind shocked in the state of numb. The reaction of this would cause everything to react on . they will be even more greed, all the troubles comes from greed. Troubles will make the body illness and mind illness. They will suffer and lost in the social life; Dao will abandon them forever as they abandoned Dao long time ago. People know the truth would not like to be those people who suffer from their lives. Life has no purpose of being suffering only people made their choices.


Notice: Lao Jun is Yu-Qing God . he is not Lao Tzu.  Do not confuse with those Two , since they both Have a Lao in the name . Lao is simply means Old or very old.

Notice2: 七情, the sever emotional feelings that is all the emotional feelings human can have. they are : 喜Xǐ, 怒nù, 忧yōu, 思sī, 悲bēi, 恐kǒng, 惊jīng which is Happy, anger, worry, Miss, sadness, fear, surprise

Notice3: 六欲,the six human desire( needs) comes along with the body is : Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, wish, meaning: the desire to sense and feel.

after words by master mencius :

After you read this and totally understand of this you will see how ridiculous that nowadays, people around the world trying to make a good planet earth then yet we are destroying it, even more, faster and stronger.  Why ? Because so many people are out there and educate people the wrong idea and misled information. No wonder why people suffer more when they are under the influence of that very wrong information and so fear to get isolated or knocked out of social life. They won't speak their real mind and them just participate with those false ideas and or fake nice people. For Daoism there is only one way to find out the truth is to be honest with self. You do not have to speak out, but you do have to clear with yourself. I can not stand that when I see people are getting pushed down to the edge of a self-interests idea, but do n't know what is going on at all. Suger talk is the greatest poison. Chinese old phrase says that 忠言逆耳利于行, honest words are often shocking but very good for life. People should not suggest people get emotional in their life as the same as getting rational in the life. Those two needs to be balanced in the way of things. Let's say that different case different conditions to act. But for desires, people definitely should not encourage people to pursue the idea of trying so hard to make sense of this world. You already have it in you. Just have to look back inside of you. People are often wrong about this, only because they have been looking for it in wrong direction and wrong place for so long and even worse with those fake people who is teaching them. Just one think would be enough . after those many years what have you done and get? Result ? Generally enlightenment only takes about second or minutes. And rest will flood into your mind. Mind clear does not take years.There is the only master of skills set years practice. I hope I can wake as many people as I can.

the below part is the pass lineage of This ching. in short terms it says that , this is passed down by many as the first one heard From Lao Jun.